The most efficient use of expressing laughter in chat messages. Originally used only by
Age of Empires II players, but it is now widely accepted (in their minds).
"11 Equals 'lol'
111 Equals 'lmao'
1111 Equals 'LMAO'
11111 Equals 'OMG lol lol'
111111 Equals.. whatever you want it to be, for intstance: 'LOL ROFL LMAO WTF 11' "
- T90Official, Age of Empires II YouTuber
"11, Synonymous in use to terms such as "lol" or "kek", a reference to an audio taunt in the 1999 video game Age of Empires II with the purpose of expressing laughter or amusement."
Source: AoE2
Reddit user Hjoerleif
"11 Is a taunt from Age of Empires 2 that, when used in chat, plays an audio clip of someone laughing. It's basically lol before lol or
the lol of Age of Empires 2 and all of it's players. 11"
Source: AoE2 Reddit user dimanor3