the sweetest person you will ever meet. she is brave and courageous and is never afraid to be herself and share her amazing creative gifts with the world. she is incredibly athletic and has many skills. people respect her and look up to her as a role model. she is incredibly smart and has ability in literature and science. she is factual and politically correct but at the same time has the imagination of a free
spirt and believes that
anything is possible. she will travel and go
far in the world and in life. she has a passion for love and knows that it can be found in even the smallest things.
brea is understanding and compassionate, people trust her with many things as she is loyal and loving. she is beautiful and also has spark and spunk to her, she will stand up for the right thing and treat others with
fairness. her eyes are
captivating, it is undeniable. she finds joy in everything and has an amazing positive personality, you will not find a more special, sweet, loving, caring, ambitious, brave, charismatic, gifted, beautiful person than a wonderful girl named brea.