
Eric Theodore Cartman, who generally goes by "Cartman," is one of the four central characters in the hit animated series South Park. He is 10 years old and is in fourth grade. Uncapped, Cartman has brownish hair that is combed over. He is overweight and has a double chin. He possesses many bad qualities in a person. Cartman is bigoted, anti-Semetic, racist, uncaring, lazy, and mean, thus making him a popular character in the series. His mother Lianne spoils him simply because he whines to get whatever he wants. In many episodes it indicates his ability to easily manipulate people. Cartman hates hippies, kyle, san fransisco, other jewish people, poor people, stan, and kenny. It is also hinted in an episode that cartman can't leave things unfinished as he has to finish singing the song "Come Sail Away" by Styx at an alarmingly fast rate. Throughout the series he has become more intelligent and mature. Trey Parker, co-creater of the series, does his voice. Cartman is my favorite character.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Cartman. Some of the top words include: Tweak, authoritaah, Mitch Conner, kyles mom, timmy's, and 25 more.