
Catalina. A girl with a heart too big for measurement. You’ll find yourself realizing how fortunate you are to have them in your life. They go out of their way and do anything to make sure you’re happy. They will share with you anything that makes them laugh for the chance to make you laugh as-well. They’re super smart and usually have plenty of talents to show, whether it’s a sport, or an instrument, etc. They’re amazing friends. They stay true to you and will defend you at any cost. They will notice instantly if you’re upset and put your happiness before theirs. Her smile is heart-melting and her laugh is super contagious. Whenever you leave their presence, you can really feel the amount of life leave with them and you’ll instantly try to make up for the lost presence by trying to call or message her. Catalina is a girl that makes you realize how amazing life is, and how every day prior to meeting her, seemed like a day wasted. Catalina is someone who makes the world a better place just by being herself, and she doesn’t even realize how lucky we are to have her.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Catalina. Some of the top words include: stuff, Zolot, BRYN-LY, STeFF, Tatjana, and 25 more.