
Pronounced Chiz-olm or Chiz-um, depending on how fast you're speaking. An awesome, badass last name of Scottish decent. Often misspelled or mispronounced Chris-holm during roll call in class, which often makes the recipient want to yell at whomever misread it. Chisholm's are not meant to be fucked with, as they will kick your ass in the blink of a Chuck Norris. They are very loyal, trustworthy and some of the best people you will meet in your life, and will always be there for you. Can be used as a nickname for someone having the last name Chisholm, and is a person everyone respects to a very high degree.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Chisholm. Some of the top words include: jock, fanny balls, m0g, crinion, blotarg, and 25 more.