
Denny's is a 24-hour diner. They serve warm mediocre quality food, coffee, and the essential Meat-Lover's Skillet. To fully qualify as a Denny's however the diner must have: 1.) A waitress that has worked there way too long. She is missing a finger, a tooth, or maybe she has a 6th toe. In any case she's freaking tired and does not take any of your crap. 2.) One of the following non-conformists: "To be a non-conformist, you have to dress in black, and listen to the same music we do." a.) Goth kids. Black attire, hopped up on caffeine writing bad gothic poetry (i.e. "If a drop of blood would make you smile I would slash my wrists till I expired in a crimson puddle of my wasted love") b.) Wiccan kids. Not to be confused with Goth kids. They wear black too, but lean more toward the caped Halloween look. They must have bumper stickers on their car that read something like "My other car is a broomstick". They know magik so you better not mess with them. c.) Emo kids. You will either have the tolerable ones who actually know something about music, or the lame ones that just discovered the fad out of Seventeen magazine. Availability varies by location. Dashboard anyone? 3.) The bitter kid that makes fun of those people in #2. This can be damn funny. 4.) The creepy midnight shift guy. No one knows much about him, but they wish he's take a shower. 5.) The people who drag their whining screaming brats out for an 11 pm dinner. Maybe if Mommy hadn't been turning tricks all day she would have made you a home cooked meal. 6.) The drunks. If need help spotting them they the person that just went into the booth headfirst. Also, the stoners. They never bothered to find the booth; they are sitting on the floor. 7.) An impossible to operate crane machine. 8.) Billowing clouds of smoke. What non-smoking section? 9.) Endless amount of coffee! Endless! *Sigh* and tea, for those types.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Denny's. Some of the top words include: Pizza Hut, salza, Waffle Hizzy, turd burglar, sputnick, and 25 more.