F-Zero is a racing game series made by Nintendo, similar to Mario Kart. Unlike Mario Kart, the games take place in a futuristic setting, have more high-speed roller-coaster action, and don't feature any items for use on the raceway.
Games released in the F-Zero series:
F-Zero (Super Nintendo Entertainment System): The first game in the series. Introduced some pretty impressive semi-3D graphics with gameplay similar to that of
Super Mario Kart, but no items.
F-Zero X (Nintendo 64): The second game, this time in full 3D. Featured 30 different racers, 24 courses, and some FAST racing action.
Maximum Velocity (
Game Boy Advance): The first portable F-Zero game. Featured entirely new drivers and courses in a setting that suggested it took place some time after F-Zero X.
F-Zero GX (Nintendo Gamecube): Similar to F-Zero X, but with better graphics, a story mode, the ability to build your own racing machines and new drivers. Compatable with the arcade game F-Zero AX (see below).
F-Zero AX (Arcade): The Arcade version of F-Zero GX (see above). Players who had Memory Cards containing F-Zero GX data would be able to unlock extras for their F-Zero GX game, such as new pilots and parts.
F-Zero GP Legend (Game Boy Advance): Similar to F-Zero Maximum Velocity, but it was based off of the F-Zero anime of the same name. Players could choose to play as heroes or villains in various missions.