
A language invented on the internet which puts numbers and symbols in the place of letters. _L337 guide_ A=4 B=B C=( or c D=|) E=3 F=Ph G=6 H=(-) I=1 J=j K=K L=! M=/\/\ N=/\/ O=Ø or 0 P=P Q=Q R=r S=$ or 5 T=7 or + U=() V=\/ W=\/\/ X=xx Y=¥ Z=Z _Additional notes_ 1.In L337,abbreviations are commonly used although they are not part of L337$p33k(These do not become symbols). 2.Any word ending in "ck" becomes "xxØr" in L337. 3.Certain words are also unique to L337 e.g.73(-)(the) and /\/\3(-)(my)
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to L337. Some of the top words include: 1337speak, haxx0r, 1337 speak, sux0r, ph34r, and 25 more.