
Somebody idiotic who thinks they look/sound good to other people over the Internet, a complete half-witted simpleton. They possess a tendency to tAlK lIkE tHiS or add lot's of random characters at the beginning and end of their screen name. They like to hang around in chat rooms, tick folk off with their scrolling of macros and constant asking of "A/S/L???" and are usually in their teens. They attempt to talk 'code' with you and identify themselves (unknowingly) as a 'script kiddy'. They annoy the crap out of people over the net so innocently in their n00b like manner, yet.. They are almost amusing to MANY people.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Lamer. Some of the top words include: pig0r, teh, Grammar Nazi, PsionicSpear, Gorack, and 25 more.