
n., A Redondo Beach wanna be metal band, so unoriginal they show their maverickiness by running around in black t-shirts & jeans like all the other wanna bes. So untalented they took the name of a modestly successful East Coast band. Wanna be Multiverse talks big but doesn’t deliver as seen by their 2008 Facebook page bragging about their again soon-to-be-released album, Perceptive Complexity (“Prepare to be destroyed!” – uh, yeah.) Like so many metal bands they confuse skill for talent & whatever skill this band has is undone by its lack of talent. While the lead guitar has more talent & ability than his kid brother drummer, that's not saying much. Like lots of drummers he bought a huge drum kit to makes up for his talent. One member is so talented, his only contribution is “Screams”, period. Wow. While they blame their failure to release an album on having an incomplete band, adding a bass player in 2009 didn’t seem to fix the problem. Their only “accomplishment” so far is putting up lots of YouTube clips of them wasting time laying down tracks. In short, the band has all the earmarks of a twenty-something wannabe & his kid brother who continue to leaching off of mommy & daddy, living in mommy’s basement, driving her car, & claiming the reason they don’t have jobs, much less a contract, is that they’re undiscovered, super-awesome talented musicians who need just a little more time before they’ll get that that next, uhh… first big break.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Multiverse. Some of the top words include: nsync, floffus, From Nothing, PGS, Green day, and 25 more.