
A rebel is a person who stands up for what they think is right, or just their opinions, regardless of what anyone (often their authorities) think. It's about not following the crowd and going through the everyday motions. They are usually outspoken and straightforward, meaning they don't care what others think and will tell off anyone. However, there are exceptions; some rebellion is just through passive-agressive actions (i.e., Ghandi). Rebels aren't non-conformists such as those they would define as "Gothic" or "Emo;" If they don't conform, it's because they actually think conforming to the situation and not speaking out is morally wrong. Being rebellious isn't something you do by choice, you're born with it.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Rebel. Some of the top words include: Maverick, Stitch, Punkass, TrIpLe, Freak Style, and 25 more.