The British
Army's issue service rifle.
A poorly researched, badly designed and sloppily constructed weapon, of a layout that generations of designers have been trying to
foist on the Army since
The only outstanding point of the weapon is that it is the most expensive
battle rifle available.
It has been kept on purely for political reasons, rather than because it is a good weapon. But in the halls of Westminster political careers deemed to be worth more than brave men's lives.
While the premise of a shorter rifle is
laudable, the fact is that this particular 'design' can only be shot from the right shoulder forcing soldiers to shoot from positions without cover thereby putting their lives at greater risk, and negates the British Forces previously
unchallenged position as leaders in Urban Operations, (
It has previously and erroneously been defined and described as "a good overall weapon" and "undoutably the best weapon series in the world today.... stoppages are all attributed to the rounds.... old magazines would rarely jam with 30 rounds. Do not rate this weapon on what the media says, you have to
be like me, live with it and use it regularly to know it." It would be interesting to find out what these gentlemen are comparing the SA80 to.
I too have lived day in and day out with the SA80, but I've also been issued and had many years experience with a large number of other weapons and know their fortés and
foibles, and can speak with a certain degree of authority on the subject.