To the wigger from New Zealand: SOAD are who they are and they are not afraid to express themselves through their music. They're not goths, devil worshippers, or freaks, they are Armenians who combined musical influences to create a unique sound for their band. Many of their songs can actually be concerned poems because of metaphoric lyrics that can't be easily understood and need interpitation, While other songs are political with more easily understood lyrics. Political and metaphoric lyrics, don't you think that's kind of a lot compared to rap's "better lyrics" that usually don't go much deeper than "bling-bling" and "hoes". Here's a short list of SOAD's musical influences: Heavy Metal(obviously) Armenian Folk Hip Hop(Your music) Punk Rock Funk Alternative Rock No gothic or satanic influence, only ignorant fucks who barely get any exposure to non-pop or non-rap music would mistake them for goths or satanists.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to SOAD. Some of the top words include: sugar, teenybopper, baby eater, sekt, Led Zeppelin, and 25 more.