
From the anime series Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, known in Japan as New Mobile Report Gundam Wing. Tallgeese is the very first mobile suit ever built in the Gundam Wing timeline, but it proved to be too powerful for mass production and was scaled back to create the standard Leo. Zechs Marquise uses the Tallgeese for most of the Gundam Wing series. In the end of the series, Treize Khushrenada pilots a cosmetically-modified variant called the Tallgeese II, while Zechs pilots an advanced version called Tallgeese III in the OVA/movie Endless Waltz.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Tallgeese. Some of the top words include: WingZero, gundam, shinigami, Gundam Masta, heero, and 25 more.