
Zata is the greatest best friend one can ask for. Though she tries to act tough on the outside, she's actually very soft and has genuine care and concern for her friends. She can be a very good and trustworthy person once you get to know her well and even if you have nothing in common, she's the type of person with whom you can have an amazing conversation for hours without getting bored. Zata means a lot to her best friends and they never try to intentionally let her down. Shes the sweetest person in the world to certain people and can you blame them? Zatas are the type of people whom u can share everything with without any hesitation and have no regret later. Zata is swag, cool, funny, rebellious, smart, and super paranoid about her perfectly normal weight. In conclusion, we love Zata.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Zata. Some of the top words include: sanaz, skimpy, BRYN-LY, Tatjana, fassy hole, and 25 more.