This definition if for everybody who stereotypes America.
- Just because we have a high obesity rate does not mean every last single person is fat, I'd rather be fat than be starving , I think most normal people would agree
- We are not all stupid, yes there are stupid people but what country doesn't have stupid people, we have most of the elite universities in the world
- We aren't all ignorant, many of us have a desire to travel outside the U.S
- In school they teach us
the metric system, and yes I know zero degrees celcius = 32 degrees faranheit
- Anybody who says America deserved 9/11 is heartless and evil, they were innocent people and had nothing to do with the
goverment's action
- I know that American means anybody from North, South, or Central America but mainly it means somebody from the U.S because you don't refer to somebody from Brazil as a south american but just as
Brazillian to make it more specific
- You can't just
sterotype a whole nation and be correct, I could say that in England everyone has
bad teeth and drinks tea but that is not true for everybody and it is ignorant which is exactly the same when you try to sterotype Americans
- Also
the joke is on the people who are from different countries and sterotype us, I bet you thousands of people from your country come to ours so you are also making fun of your own people