
though aryana may seem confusing, she is always down to have a deep conversation with you but really only talks to those who she is comfortable around. she doesn’t really have a friend group and sticks to individual friends who she can trust with her life, she’s had her share of toxic relationships and friendships which is why she chooses to keep her count small. most of the time, aryana’s friendships rely on how involved the other person is in her life. if anyone puts little to no effort into their friendship and refuses to be the first to message then she won’t hesitate to give them that same energy back. not going to lie, aryana can be extremely annoying at times but if she does show you that side of her around you then it is probably because she likes being in your presence and feels that she can be her true self. aryana doesn’t seem like someone who really cares about school but it’s actually her only source of happiness and also her main source of depression. this is because every ounce of validation that aryana has ever received has always been from her grades in school and she feels the need to base her self worth on it. academic validation can be difficult to attain for aryana since she’s actually extremely stupid. many times, aryana can seem strong and independent but in reality shes on the edge. what she really needs is someone that she can rely on and tell every detail of her day to.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to aryana. Some of the top words include: faryar, dip, glugory, carnivore, friend, and 25 more.