
A somewhat anachronistic slang term for "bitch" that is currently used mainly in the context of self-conscious irony. Can be traced to the early 1990s, when rappers, responding to the copious bleeps and silences placed on their radio and video singles, began replacing the offending words with the same sound clips played backwards or in a highly manipulated fashion. The resulting vocalizations could be very loosely approximated by inserting a "z" sound into the middle of the word, and many rappers began to simply employ this technique with their own voices. Manipulations such as "biznatch" soon entered the slang world. Eventually, rappers such as Snoop Dogg would popularize the practice of manipulating even innocent phrases in this fashion, such as "fo' shizzle" (for sure). By this point, most had forgotten the origins of this strand of slang.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to biznatch. Some of the top words include: bizzle, bee..yotch, frizzle, beeyatch, -IZZLE, and 25 more.