Italian word for "dick".
It has very much definition:
Testa di cazzo: head of dick
2. Faccia di/da cazzo: (face of dick) odious person.
3. Non saperne un cazzo, non capirci un cazzo (don't know anything, don't understand anything): meaning of nothing/anything (in negative sentences).
4. Che cazzo vuoi? (What do you want?): meaning what.
5. Stare sul cazzo: be odious.
6. Alla cazzo (di cane): at random
7. Cazzi amari, cazzi acidi, cazzi per il culo: "And now problem are arriving."
8. Col cazzo: never
9. Cazzi miei(my): (my) buisness. Used when someone don't want to tell his buisness / "Mind your buisness!"
10. Cagare il cazzo (litterally,
shit the dick): to be odious.
Grazie al cazzo (litterally, thank to the dick): "It's banal" / "I already know it!"