
'Choch' is a term that is somewhat derogatory, however, it's meaning changes based upon the context and verbal emphasis it is given. For example, when someone says, "Dude, you are such a choch" in a serious voice, it can be taken as a serious insult. However, somewhat akin to a playful bitch, one might say, "What up, choch?" It is no more harmful than dork, geek, douche, or fagmo. Some people spell it 'chotch,' however, 'choch' is more useful, because it can be varied: chooch, chich, chinch. One may also form verb or adjective derivatives of the word, e.g. choched, choching, chochy
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to choch. Some of the top words include: goomba, roastbeef, Pigglefuck, shitclump, hick, and 25 more.