
(Noun) A human being, usually unable to determine the sex, mainly because their hair is of medium length, and they wear make-up, male or female. Usually can be found attempting to look "punk" with handkerchiefs hanging out of their pockets and a necktie around their neck even if they are wearing a T-shirt. They can be found listening to Emo-screamo music, which usually involves the discussion of loving someone so much that you would cut your wrists for them, IN EVERY SONG. Emos demonstrate affection by hugging everyone they see because they cannot tell if their counterparts are boys or girls. Emos can also be found next to cigarette vending machines because every single one of them enjoys a good puff, and being around everyone that smokes makes them feel accepted. They also enjoy spazzing out to their emo-screamo songs, and they're form of "dancing" usually looks like they are having a seizure.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to emosexual. Some of the top words include: swish, Flaming, bajanga, bird, fonky, and 25 more.