
When in the presence of another human being under the influence of cannabis, many things about their appearance, speech and characteristics may change. Their eyes may be droopy and red. Their spoken word will be repeatedly interrupted with fits of laughter or, and in some cases 'and', they will regularly remind you how hungry they are despite the vast quantities of Sour Patch Kids and Doritos they have consumed. But when said human being reaches their highest point, the 'peak' of their high, often described as a '10', there lies one key indicator. One beacon that will truly enlighten onlookers as to how intoxicated they are... The next time you are blessed with the pleasant presence of a altogether 'zooted' stoner, indulge in this undemanding task: simply ask said stoner, "out of 10, how high are you?" There is one obvious response that one would obviously predict, "10". But this is incorrect. The answer that someone whole heartedly high as fuck would give is... "faded" There are two main reasons this is the only answer that can be given; when a person is so blazed that they fail the simple task of choosing a number out of 10 to match their current state of mind, that is when it is clear said person is on legitimately on a 10. A second main reason is that "faded" is a word that can easily roll off of the tongue of a wide mouthed, slumped-in-sofa stoner.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to faded. Some of the top words include: toasted, Blitzed, stizled, Hot Diggity Dank, trip - out, and 25 more.