
A tactic used by a sniper Flipswitching is the tactic for the best of the best video game snipers. It is basically using the sniper rifle for what it's not used for. Instead of camping, the player instead uses the rambo tactic to attack the enemy with the high powered rifle. This tactic is effectively used even when no crosshair exists, since at a range of 3 meters or less, the chances of you missing are 0 unless you are a noob. Flipswitching gives the most enjoyment when you shoot an opposing sniper in the back at a range of 1 foot. Then you can claim you owned him/her and dance on his/her body.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to flipswitch. Some of the top words include: nomenclature, Sniper Rifle, snerdly, Gayness Detected, jbo, and 25 more.