
1) There's nothing "cool" about being a gangsta. It ain't cool to pose in front of the camera with a gun in your hand pretending to come from an environment you know nothing about. Especially if you're a White boy from the Suburbs. Has anyone ever told you that you look like a complete moron with that rag top over your paled-out face? Yes, a mutant buffon who generates hysterical laughter, amongst the real criminals of this world. Not only are you a disgrace to the Caucasian race, but the human race too. On a personal note: I know people who have been shot at. I have friends who have died on the streets. There's nothing "cool" or "hard" about that. Do you think the people who live in the projects and have lost a relative/friend to gunplay are going to look up to a gangster? No. As much as you want to believe that gangbangin is a tough career move, it ain't worth shit in my opinion. It doesn't help much when you have guys like 50 Cent around either. Here is a man who endorses reckless violence and immoral animalism amongst today's youth. His gangsta posturing fulfils the stereotypical image, in which every Black man in America is trying to get away from. His "bad ass" roleplaying is responsible for perpetuating the already grim reality of black-on-black violence in America. All that talk about "killing a motherfucker like it ain't no thang" is nothing but a fucked up tool, which corporate record companies like to sell off for stupid, young, impressionable surburnanite teens who don't know the first thing about living in a harsh, dangerous environment like Compton or St. Louis. I'm sure even less have actually experienced the sudden murder of a young relative or friend . Because here's the reality: when someone you know's dies, its not like in the movies. You can talk all you want about street credibility but don't say shit if all you know about the "hood" is what you've seen on the cinema screen or listened to on your stereo system. When somebody gets shot, they don't struggle for air and say something witty and dramatic before they go... they just fall on the ground, shit their pants, and have their brains gone to the back of their fucking heads. But hey, I guess that would be considered "cool" and "gangsta" in your little make-believe world, right? "Stop the Violence, Increase the Peace." Gone but not Forgotten... O.J.(1979 -
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to gangsta. Some of the top words include: y'all best break y'all selves, Dub, wankster, g'd up, wangsta, and 25 more.