
(noun) a person who has both the knowledge and expertise in injecting others with IV drugs. A hitman has skills in both finding and “hitting” veins in people that others cannot even see because a seasoned hitman will feel for the vein first, making sight a secondary sense. More often times than not this person will be compensated for their services. They are an absolute necessity and “go-to” answer for some, while to others and sometimes to the hitman themself their work is considered a hustle. Regardless they are an asset to their community as their work easily qualifies as a form of harm reduction. So when I’m doubt or unsure about your own needle skills, save a limb—call your hitman.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to hitman. Some of the top words include: Gatillero, CMF, Sock, REGULATORS, Shoot, and 25 more.