
sweatshirt with a hood and a very large pocket in front, capable of carrying, but not limited to, walkman and headphone, candy being smuggled into movie theatres, pencil and notebook, pet snake that your parents don't know about, and certain less-legal substances that you don't want people finding. Considered a signature by some, so not something you want anyone else in your area to have a similar one of. Worn around waist when too hot for otherwise, NEVER worn around neck, and if -for whatever reason- you're not wearing ANYTHING, they can be flung on the floor nearby wherever you are. Not generally meant for either sex, although if part of a couple, the dominant may prefer that the less-dominant wear his/her hoodie. If difficulty finding a unique hoodie, look in touristy shops next time you go on vacation.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to hoodie. Some of the top words include: Hoodie Theory, pookie, fag bag, stuntmullet, scrodum, and 25 more.