
The political position taking and/or rationalization of cause and effect through the analysis of the ever growing constant stream of irrational hypotheses and agenda-specific misinformation (dogma) filtered through mass media sound bytes and historically non-contextualized reports as distributed through social network web sites and weblogs for mass digestion and wide interpretation. Similar; forming opinions/postitions/habits (purchasing or otherwise) based upon constantly updated news reports and weblogs on topics that are ONLY updated, because the original non-historically contextualized report and/or misinformation was favorable to a populist ideaology and justified as a truism and/or as acceptable behavior using social networks and peer group confirmation that had formed a consensus based upon the false information.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to incomprehendable. Some of the top words include: propaganda, Politically Correct, republicrat, woo woo, propaganda, and 25 more.