
a vape that fifteen year old's buy from their friends in college because they think it's cool. A Juul pod contains as much nicotine as a pack of cigarettes and many highschoolers have gone to the clinic from emptying several pods in a day. kids who Juul generally don't like to publicize the fact that they Juul but are always willing to pack into the bathrooms and stink the entire room to shit. when non Juulers go into the bathroom they are greeted by five to ten concerned faces of "popular" kids and a wall of nicotine strong enough to make you pass out. hall monitors never seem to care but when the drug dogs come in once a month half the students shit themselves.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to juul. Some of the top words include: What I Is, kamel red, Rharns, smogs, Bathtub in Jello, and 25 more.