
the bane of philippine society airheaded nouveau riche kids who come from a generation of linguistic mongrels and thus their lack of proficiency in both english and tagalog. they mix the two languages and think that "make + tagalog verb" (eg make kulit, make kain, make away, etc.) is an actual grammatical form. they love to brag about new gadgets and think that anyone who doesn't have a camera-phone must be really pathetic. it's ignorant, baseless, and hurtful to brand ateneans collectively konyo. they can't help it if most of them (but not all) speak good english and you don't (ie not "braggy" whatever that means) . by the way, filipino classes at the university are notoriously tough but challenging. they equip the student with at least above-average skill in the native language. thus, they know better than konyo kids.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to konyo. Some of the top words include: honors college, Edumacation, thunk, Gaymey, tight, and 25 more.