
Origin unknown. Purpose unknown. States the obvious, accepts all credit, rejects all blame. An increasingly common plague found in the work place which causes annoyance and despair in other co-workers. Thrives on board-meetings, dependent on company mobile phones, Outlook, and a considerable yearly budget with no questions asked on how its gets pissed up the wall on nothing. Able to speak but prefers to do any communication through email which is the sole purpose of computers. Uses any opportunity to voice their opinions and set policy on matters which are none of their concern and to which they have knowledge of. Usually the bane of any Web-Developers existence. Able to plan projects perfectly without any of the minor concerns such as development or implementation. Curiously, all Marketing plague-people start as a Manager. There is no lower position available although there is never actually anyone to manage.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to marketing. Some of the top words include: screenscrape, supply and demand, caa, peice, lusers, and 25 more.