
A common slang derived most popularly from a form of "yo momma jokes" but actually dating waaaay the hell back to the 1300's when it was considered the highest sin to sleep with ones own mother. (Even above murder.) It can mean precisely as it sounds, one who has sex mothers, but it was originally meant as "one who has sex with their own mother". It is most of the time used without meaning, just to be said in a sentence, it can mean absolutely nothing and absolutely everything its meant to at the same time. Also is used constantly to denote someone is a moron, a trife, a back stabber, and any number of other completely unrelated meanings.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to motherfucker. Some of the top words include: muhfuggin, mo fo, Spunk Moocher, mo fo, your mum, and 25 more.