1. the basic Japanese noun for "cat."
2. Japanese slang for the "bottom" in a homosexual relationship. The claim that it is derived from the word for "cat" is a folk etymology; the true origin of the word is unknown, but it might be related to the Japanese verbs "
neru" (寝る: to lie down, to lie supine; to go to bed, to go to sleep)/"nekaseru" (寝かせる: to
put someone to bed, to lay somebody down) or the noun "
nekko" (根っこ: the base of a tree, the roots around the bottom of a tree). It is the counterpart of "
tachi" (タチ: the "top"), which might be related to Japanese "tachi" (太刀: a Japanese long sword) or "tachi" (立ち: standing (up), the state of being erect).