
thin cardboard discs about the diameter of a half-dollar coin. the term "pog" comes from a bottled fruit punch in hawaii, with the primary flavors {p}assion fruit, {o}range and {g}uava; the cardboard discs would come out of the lid. after a while, pogs caught on in mainstream US culture, so companies sold the discs minus the drink and bottle. the mass produced pogs were decorated with lil pictures. pogs are utilized in a game in which they are stacked up in lil piles. the players throw heavy, thick discs of plastic or metal (about the diameter of the pogs) at them. when the pogs settle after being bashed, whichever ones land face up are kept by the thrower of the slammer. the one with the most pogs wins. pogs are no longer popular. like furby they were simply a fad that died out.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to pogs. Some of the top words include: ass grenade, Pogs, Ikanun, clubing, turd hole, and 25 more.