
1. Japanese in origin, it simply means "Dragon." 2. An emotionally detached, wandering closet neurotic who also happens to be the focal point of Capcom's immensely popular "Street Fighter" series. Since the mid-1980s, this enigmatic drifter has searched the globe far-and-wide looking for the true meaning of "the fight." His one and only friend is the arrogant and haughty bi-ethnic rich boy Ken Masters, who somehow, with all of the monetarial wealth he posesses, cannot purchase a pair of tweezers and tweeze his overtly bushy eyebrows. Did I mention that he (Ryu) may also be psychologically disturbed?
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to ryu. Some of the top words include: oro?, hadoken, shoryuken, Guy, Broken at high levels of play, and 25 more.