
An amazing girl who is simply flawless. She acts like a bad ass in front of everyone but she's actually a major cheeseball. Usually a nice person when you buy her things like jamba, chipotle, and mcflurrys. She is gorgeous beyond comparison and makes men do double takes on a daily basis. It is very hard to not have a crush on her after looking at her and almost impossible after talking to her for a few minutes. She runs extremely slow and can be extremely lazy at times. She absolutely loves school with a passion and cherishes the IB program. She is one person you would want as a friend and the only one you would want as a girlfriend. If her last name is rymus, you need to be one of the smoothest guys on the face of the earth to get her to be yours.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to samantha. Some of the top words include: alden, LaQuisha, Nessy, BRYN-LY, Gurl, and 25 more.