
It has been in the history of mankind to shorten the words that man has been using in their life. Phrases such as "Ha ha ha" have been reduced to "ha ha" and other phrases such as "What is going on" have been reduced to "what's up" and even reduced to the more commonly known one-word phrase "wuzzup". Another example if you will. This statement. "Greetings. How are you doing, dear acquaintance, I am currently relaxing in a state of repose" is reduced to "Yo, wuzzup, homie? I'm chillin". Nevertheless, another word has been the subject of this process of lessening the number of syllables in a word to make speech something more quick and easily done in our ever quickening and increasingly faster society. Thus the birth of the word, whatev, has occured. whatev - a word that has the meaning of whatever except it is pronunciated with the "ev" slightly lengthened so to give the impression of coolness. This is often used in a light manner, often in cases where the person uttering the phrase doesn't care much or pretends not to care.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to whatev. Some of the top words include: monosyllabic, beeeeeeeeeeeeeee, ladidoupbop, monosyllable, straition, and 25 more.