
The word is a derogatory term used to describe Americans by the Brits, Canadians, Australians and the like; but in the USA used to define an American from the Northern States in the USA, such as New England and the Mid-West. It was most notably used to describe to the Federal Solders and other Northerners by the Confederates during the Civil War Era. Even though some foreigner’s refer to all American’s as Yankees, does not make it so. Call a Southerner a Yankee and he’ll think you’re either just plain dumb or that you are trying to pick a fight. The characteristics often associated with a stereotypical Yankee are shrewdness, thrift, craftiness, rudeness, arrogance, and loudness.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to yankee's. Some of the top words include: flat lander, limey, greaser, mangiacake, Jap Japs, and 25 more.