A medical condition in which prolonged usage of Apple technology results in degenerative brain diseases.
Applectomy is subsequently branched into a wide variety of symptomatic illnesses based on the level and type of exposure to Apple products.
Decreased Motor Cortex Stimulation: Prolonged usage of Apple's touch screen technology will result in
the degeneration of the motor cortex. Resulting in a loss of fine motor skills and overall finger dexterity needed to finely manipulate items. Items such as a keyboard.
Appsosis: A debilitating mental illness brought about by chronic exposure to the
Apple iPhone's third party applications causes dementia and neurosis among patients overly engrossed into their recently purchased "app".
I-Form Dyslexia: A learning disability that stems from habitual usage of Apple's "i" products i.e "iPod", "iPhone", "iMovie". Patients begin to refer to objects with the prefix lowercase "i". Referring to a pet dog as "iDog" or a friend as an "
iFriend" is a sign of I-Form Dyslexia