IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is a chat protocol initially developed as a means of communication back in the days of BBS (Bulletin Board System). Clients connect to a specified server which is part of a collection of servers known as an IRC network. If a client is to send a message to a user on a different server within the same IRC network, the message is relayed between the servers and then to the other client. IRC is a text only means of communication, non-text communications or files are sent via IRC's file transfer protocol, known as DCC. Unlike other chat protocols, IRC does not require you to have an account that you sign in with, but most IRC networks offer you the ability to reserve your nickname. Common IRC clients include X-Chat, mIRC, Irssi and BitchX.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to IRC. Some of the top words include: IRC, mirc, irc, IRC, hcp, and 25 more.