
Lortab is brand name for a painkiller combining hydrocodone (a narcotic) and acetaminophen. Lortab come in three strengths of hydrocodone 5mg, 7.5mg and 10mg. All lortab contain 500mg apap. Brand-name Lortab are manufactured by UCB Pharmacy, generic lortabs are available. Lortab, like all hydrocodone/apap combos (vicodin, lorcet and norco are a few others) Lortab is a schedule II controlled substance, making possession w/o a prescription illegal. A lortab can be snorted or taken orally. Snorting it will make the effects happen faster but burns like hell. When taken orally it should be chewed. Lortabs will fuck you up, and are easily hidden. What more could you ask for.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Lortab. Some of the top words include: hillbilly herion, hydros, beans, songbo, painer, and 25 more.