This organization represents the artists, right? WRONG! We don't get a cent from our works thanks to the RIAA, and the only way we can get by is to stage concerts, which is a risk because that sometimes costs us more than what we can afford. Supposedly the RIAA is trying to protect other peoples' works from being "pirated", but in reality, the RIAA destroys 1/3 of the music CDs not sold, counts that as "Lost Sales", and rewrites it to "Lost Sales caused by Piracy". If anything, piracy actually HELPS us a lot because more people listen to our music and decide whether it's worth keeping or not. The RIAA just keeps on resisting changes in technology, and has even gone to the point of suing the poor, the children, and the college students, all who make up a large percentage of its customers.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to RIAA. Some of the top words include: Music Industry, mp3, RIAA, Intellectual Property, compilation, and 25 more.