
Webbing is the act of spreading your own fingers apart as wide as possible and placing the erect nipple of your significant other in the webbed area between your fingers and sliding your hand over the nipple and generally massaging the area. Typically, webbing is performed during foreplay but in certain cultures it can be performed at any time of the day. As is custom, the nipple is placed in between the pointer and middle finger but other configurations consist of the ring and middle finger as well as the highly difficult - yet highly rewarding thumb and pointer finger combo. The act of webbing can be immensely pleasurable to to women if performed correctly and also offers the man a very high level of entertainment. Webbing can also be performed with the toes, but amateurs should be very cautious when performing this maneuver for the first time as it has a high degree of difficulty. For further information on the dangers of toe-webbing, more is available on Wikipedia under the Helsinki Episode of 1919
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Webbing. Some of the top words include: Seining, nipple flick, finger fucking, chokin the chicken, pluck, and 25 more.