
ci bai or cibai pronounced as "ji bai". There is no universal english pronunciation translation for this word. Chinese people in South East Asia and mainland China normally spell it as "ci bai". In Hong Kong, perhaps in East Asia region, Hokkien people or users of this word like to spell it as "ji bai". It is a Hokkien(a Chinese dialect) or Taiwanese word for female sexual organ, literally. It also means a girl, a bastard, a dickhead, a shithole and a motherfucker, etc..(see example 1 below) (not often)It may also be a negative supportive adjective to be placed in front of a subject noun, like "fucking shit" in english. However, this word is always for describing negative things, not exactly like "fucking" in english. In english, "fucking" can be added in front of a subject or noun to express "very much". But, ci bai never has this linguistic function. (see example 2 below)
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to cibai. Some of the top words include: Fugga, mooshho, gan, cibai, plick, and 25 more.