
A website where only noobs go to talk about video games. There is nothing to do there exept reply & then wait 3 days after for someone to reply back. 70% of Gametalk are just dead forums after the games become unpopular. The dead forums are then populated by noobs who do nothing but spam & no mods will get off thier asses to stop the problem for people who still go on the forums. The website isn't even about the games anymore. there are mostly forums like music,teevee, and pointless(just to name a few). The people at gametalk live for moderators. Either the mods are real power hungry or people practically beg to become a moderator. Gametalk is no longer about video games, it's more about who's going to be the next mod. Most of the moderators are just ex-spammers anyway. The only way to be a mod on Gametalk is if you spam & get away with it(which is VERY easy).
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to gametalk. Some of the top words include: spamming, tech pc, emuworld, w00t w00t, The Porch, and 25 more.