
The literal meaning of jaf is an acronym for "just a friend". The term is most often refered to males in high school. It can mean some one who is a loser, or just has bad luck with the ladies. Based off the typical best friend of a girl in a 90s movie. the guy that's always there for his best friend who happens to be a girl, and she always comes to him for support when the girl breaks up with her attractive jerk of a boyfriend. Jafs are always way too nice when it comes to girls they like cuz they think they can win over girls with their overwhelming sensitivity. Jafs dont realize that girls are drawn to a certain degree of badass, and its usually the downfall of the jaf because he cannot change the way he is or the way he is already perceived. Alot of jafs dont get any action because they are shy and not assertive in a sexual manner. Jafs can feel neglected and used (by the ones the adore). Jafs let their lack of sexual swagger effect every aspect of thier lives. They tend to do poorly in school becuase they are so focused on getting laid, or getting thier crush to like them more then just a friend. Jafs sometimes go into a temporary depression on Sundays when they realize they have to go through another week of school with misery and no girlfriend. This pessimistic mood is known as SNGM (Sunday No Girl Mood). The Jaf anthem would arguably be Iris, by the Goo Goo Dolls, or Everything You Want by Vertical Horizon. Both songs feature lyrics about desperatly wanting to be with a girl, but she is completely oblivious to "Mr Right" and what is actually best for her.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to jaf. Some of the top words include: Kus, BFFL, FTF, fucked her out, asspelunker, and 25 more.