
Someone who makes decisions based only on an objective perception of reality rather than emotions or personal benefit. A nihilist is not a self-aggrandizing narcissist who beleives that they are above the law. A Nihilist is someone who does not take pleasure from indulgence, therefore serial killers and insane dictators are not nihilists. People try to attach anti-social murderers to nihilism because they do not understand it and therefore fear it, and want everyone to hate it; however trying to manipulate others is a characteristic of anti-social behavior: So when someone tells you that Nihilists are evil, you know 2 things 1# The person telling you this is evil and #2 They are trying to manipulate you (A Nihilist wouldnt tell you this though because a Nihilist wouldnt tell you anything is evil, therefore I am not a Nihilist, its harder to become a Nihilist than a Doctor). Nihilists cannot be manipulated because they create their own beleifs about the world based on their experiences and facts ,influence free. A Nihilist would beleive in God if he met God. True enlightenment. Stage 5 in Maslow's theory, self-actualization and beyond. Sanity.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to nihilist. Some of the top words include: scrooge, hard headed, ass fool, BBE, BASKET CASE, and 25 more.