
The NME. Honestly, i am quite interested in this magazine, but this is entirely down to the fact that i am interested in certain bands, often covered in the magazine. In my opinion, NME 'journalists' are not really journalists at all. They're pretty much you're average music fan that thinks that they're a journalist. With that you get irritating opinions, poorly written biased reviews, and a tendency to suck up to anything that could quite possibly be considered "NEW, EXCITING, OUT THERE, EDGY, COOL, VERY COOL, MAKE US COOL", even though these kind of bands often tend to turn out to be, well, Franz Ferdinand. The NME often symbolises much of what i dislike about the human race.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to nme. Some of the top words include: teeny, teenie, antipunk, sekt, B2K, and 25 more.