
A recreational drug user whose primary drug category of choice is pharmaceuticals, either over-the-counter or prescription. Due to vastly different methods of use and perspective on life, the pharmer and the illegal drug user oftentimes don't get along very well. Pharmers rarely trust the purity of street drugs, and illegal users often scoff at the notion that a legal (especially OTC) drug could have equivalent effects to an illegal one. The benefits of pharming are the guarantee of purity of drugs and the greatly decreased chance of legal ramifications; the drawbacks are the extremely limited supply and high cost of prescription drugs or the incredible dosage required of most OTC drugs to use them recreationally.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to pharmer. Some of the top words include: loadie, Dobbler, songbo, Whipper, chizz, and 25 more.