
Two or more players take turns setting a quarter into spin on a flat surface (usually a table). An opponent attempts to stop the coin on its edge in an upright position with one finger. Pretty tricky. Success = escape from extreme pain. If you can't prevent the coin from falling flat on the table you have to stand, make a fist, and place your knuckles flat on the table such that they face your opponent. He (or she?) uses a thumb (and probably a terrible amount of force) to slide the quarter at your knuckles, keeping the coin flat on the table surface. A good player will never miss and have you bleeding in the first round. *this is only a drinking game insofar as no one in his right mind would dream of playing unless grossly intoxicated. (don't worry, you can tell people you busted your hands kicking someone's ass)
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to quarters. Some of the top words include: penhold, egyptian rat screw, check, Nutball, don't jack with me!, and 25 more.