
It’s the native language in Singapore… Apparently. A colloquial dialect that is somewhat similar to Manglish (A colloquial dialect in Malaysia) and is just as intimidating to those who are not familiar with this form of dialogue. Contrary to popular belief, people who converse in singlish are not retarded. It is just an articulated form of the “culture” being expressed through incoherent speech. It goes something like this: “What lah – (insert a bunch of made up words that make you go “WTF” here) – Mee Siam.” The government had a huge hoo-hah concerning the liberal usage of this language some years back. This was clear evidence that the government had way to much free time on their hands…Wayy – too – much – free – time!
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to singlish. Some of the top words include: singlish, Bollocks, Americanisms, rogic, shite, and 25 more.